The holder of GBS L-2 certificate are qualified to perform blade service repairs on all types of WTG blades, according to Global Blade Service Standard.
The holder has knowledge for:
- Blade design, materials, construction and production process
- Describe health risk involved when handling polyester, epoxy and isocyanates
- Use correct terms for blade communication
- Recognize different types of defects and damages
- Assess and categorize defects and damages
And have competences to:
- Carry out internal and external inspection, assess and categorize damages on blade surface.
- Read and use information for service from:
- Service Work Instruction
- Technical Data Sheet
- Carry out repairs on blade surface for various types of blades Including:
- Shell coating and laminate down to core or first two layers of fiberglass.
- Leading edge first two layers.
- Trailing edge max. 50 mm. crosswise damage
- Replace and test lightning receptor
- Replace stall strips, vortex generators, LE tape and other types of power
- Fill in inspection report and documentation for damage and repair